![]() 08/23/2014 at 16:54 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Recently moved into my dorm at University of Houston... No class on Monday's and Friday's. Only have one on Wednesday's. Sounds like the perfect commuter schedule, only problem being I'm living on campus and practically stuck here with no car. Hopefully I can find friends who have cars, and I'm not sure how well the public transportation around here is.
![]() 08/23/2014 at 16:56 |
Get a scooter
![]() 08/23/2014 at 16:58 |
Not at UH. There's two ways in: through the ghetto or on IH-45. Neither would make a scooter viable.
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Word to the wise: find friends with cars on campus. Also, are you not allowed to have a vehicle as a freshman?
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If you got the balls to ride a scooter through the ghetto, you're not going to get messed with.
Trust me. Just make sure to film it.
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We are allowed, but parking is VERY limited and also parents said I shouldn't leave campus too often my first year -_-
I'm already missing my RSX-S...
![]() 08/23/2014 at 17:06 |
The University of Houston apparently has dorms named Cougar Village , and Cougar Village II .
Sounds like fun.
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I'm at CVII. Very new building although I get no service in my room... Also my roommate hasn't showed up so I basically have a whole room and fridge to myself lol
![]() 08/23/2014 at 17:08 |
Get a longboard or bike.
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I had two years of college with no car, used a bicycle to get me around.
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If only it were stocked with, you know, actual cougars looking for college guys.
On a more serious note, Walkscore for your location might help .
![]() 08/23/2014 at 17:13 |
Girls down here in Houston aren't too bad, but yeah actual cougars would've been great.
Thanks, I'll try it out!
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I'm in shape to get around campus, but getting off of the campus requires more than just kick-push or pedaling.
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I suppose that rules out riding a bike as well.
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I have no issue getting around my campus, but to get off-campus and see the city you need something more.
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How far is your campus from a good part of the city? I'm only two miles out from the city centre where I am.
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two wheels good! Buy a turbo ruckus. Get all the ladies! Make choochoo noises all round the town.
Its the perfect college cruiser.
![]() 08/23/2014 at 17:33 |
Not too sure but you do have to get on the highway for a better part of 15min or so.
![]() 08/23/2014 at 17:34 |
That air filter is beyond awesome lol never heard of this, how much are they?
Been considering getting a job and saving up for this https://houston.craigslist.org/cto/4622290725…
![]() 08/23/2014 at 17:35 |
Ah that kills anything other than car or motorbike then. Like you say, best to make friends with someone who has a car there.
![]() 08/23/2014 at 17:40 |
Lets just say that ruckus would get you about 2 or even 3 of those civic wagons. The pictured on is all custom. This is a stock 49cc ruckus. Stock ones will still run around 3 grand if lucky http://www.ebay.com/itm/Honda-Ruck…
Also buy that wagon, now! Daily it at school. Bring it home, K swap it, bring it back to college, destroy EVERYONE!
![]() 08/23/2014 at 17:42 |
If you've had your license for a year, you can sign up for a discounted ZipCar membership.
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They look surprisingly so cool, not sure if mom would approve though lol
And yeah I want to K swap a wagon or EK hatch, gotta find a job first thats flexible with my schedule.
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They had a tent set up somewhere on campus, I'll check it out!
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When you go home for the holidays just take your car back with you when you leave.
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Sounds like you should join a fraternity.
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You could've found a sugar momma to buy you a car.
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Don't listen to your parents; leaving campus and exploring things is fun.
I just transferred to a new university, and I don't have a car anymore. But I've been in this position before, and I can tell you it's not too bad. Plenty of other students should have cars. Just hitch rides with them.
Also, how's the public transport?
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I'm hoping they'll let me
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I'm going to try and check it out sometime, got plenty of freetime this weekend.
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Planning on doing that, rush doesn't start until like first week of september unfortunately.
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Good. Fraternities get a bad rap, especially on the internet, but they're usually a lot more diverse than movies and tv shows would have you believe, and they're great for making sure you have a solid social life your first few years of college.
Figure out what sort of clothes are expected or required for rush, and stick to that to avoid eliminating yourself unnecessarily by being under or over dressed, but mostly just be up front and honest with people about who you are and what you're interested in, even if you aren't sure that's the answer they're looking for. You'll be more likely to avoid a bad fit that way.
![]() 08/23/2014 at 18:35 |
Are your parents helping you out financially? Do they own the car?
If no, it's time to cut the cord. Take it without asking.
P.S. I'm a Dad.
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if you want, i can pick you up for cars and coffee on September 6
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its limited to 35mph, if you can even reach that speed (stock at least). So theres not much damage you could do at those speeds. You can go faster on a pedal bike haha.
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I didn't bring mine up since eastern WA weather would have messed up the convertible top and already regret it. But public transit is fairly solid and we have bikes we can rent for free, so it's less painful.
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That would be much appreciated!
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Majority is my money but they do have some money in the car. But parents are paying for college...
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I'm friends with a lot of people in fraternities back home in Norman, and I've been looking forward to rushing and everything.
I think I have the clothes and style covered, the only downside of the frats is all besides one don't have their own houses, but live in townhouses provided by the university.
![]() 08/23/2014 at 23:03 |
yeah dude, i can pick ya up and drop you off. I went to UH Downtown for a little and my little sister just started at UH Downtown. My brother is an Alumni of UofH. Masters at the achitecture building.
![]() 08/23/2014 at 23:06 |
I'm at the main campus, not sure where the downtown campus is in relation to here.
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Hey bud, I just graduated from UH and I lived on, or near campus for 3 years. Honestly, you'll be fine. Spend some time at the REC and the new UC and you'll be good. You don't really need a car unless you have to leave campus for a job, if you have a meal plan.
When I moved down to Houston for school I literally new NOBODY. I would suggest you at least check out going Greek. I'll admit I was a bit skeptical about it at first, but its the BEST way to make allot friends and meet people at UH. Also, try getting involved with an organization. I also got involved working with the athletic department and I got to know allot of important people on campus. Ex. (Mack Rhoades, President Khator).
If you have any questions about UH bro, i'm glad to help an OPPO out. You can add me on Facebook if you want to at Harrell Eason and creep on my pictures to see what all life at UH is all about.
Hope that Helps!!
![]() 08/23/2014 at 23:17 |
Mannnnn I miss Houston... San Antonio C&C is lacking.. :/
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Thanks for all the info! I really want to rush, but I'm paying out of state tuition and not sure what cost is like for a frat. Were you in a frat/which one?
I really would like to help out at the REC or athletic department, what did you do there?
And I added you on FB, I'm Jan Korkmaz! Thanks again for the help, GO COOGS!
![]() 08/23/2014 at 23:40 |
Soo... I have to be up at 5 tomorrow morning for work (The real world sucks). I'll make sure to try and answer all of your questions and hit you up on Facebook tomorrow.
![]() 08/23/2014 at 23:42 |
Sounds good, appreciate it!
![]() 08/23/2014 at 23:59 |
I've known a lot of people who went to colleges that had similar setups, and they didn't seem to struggle to enjoy it. You'll definitely get a little bit of a different experience than you would at a university with fraternity houses, but it's still worth your time. Having a house doesn't necessarily make the fraternity.
![]() 08/24/2014 at 01:20 |
I miss all the fun rad things to do in New Brunfles, San Marcos, up I-10, Blanco, Canyon Lake, all those rad non tourist places when i lived in SA. Sananto lack the resources of Houston or Dallas but makes it up in food, fun, and Austin being so close
![]() 08/25/2014 at 00:28 |
Ugh, this was my first couple years at Baylor. At least you're in a city. Ain't squat to walk to BU and they've just made it worse over the years (no more HEB blocks away, fewer businesses next to campus).
I feel your pain. I have no solutions that don't involve secretly buying a beater off of Craigslist. At least Houston should have Lyft or Uber.
![]() 08/25/2014 at 00:59 |
I'm going to try and save up for this... https://houston.craigslist.org/cto/4622290725…
![]() 08/25/2014 at 21:42 |
When our daughter started college, her school was 100 miles from home.
After the first year, we ended up buying a new car and giving her my wife's old one because it was more of a hassle for us whenever she wanted to come home to visit or when she needed to be off campus for internship stuff.
Maybe you can talk your folks into a nice used car if you promise to visit them once and awhile......
![]() 08/25/2014 at 23:27 |
I have a really nice car as of now, they just think I need to focus on school and nothing else.
![]() 09/12/2014 at 13:04 |
are you going to either Washington State University or Eastern Washington University?
![]() 09/12/2014 at 15:26 |
![]() 09/12/2014 at 18:00 |
Cool, I live over across the border in moscow.
![]() 09/12/2014 at 18:55 |
The land of cheap booze. It's California cheap, compared to the markup in Washington.